Five Risks of Overdosing with Botox: Contraindications to Consider

Reduced Facial Expressions

One of the most common risks of overdosing on Botox in the forehead is the loss of facial expression. When too much Botox is injected into the forehead, it can cause the muscles in this area to become too relaxed, resulting in a loss of facial expression  leading to a "frozen" appearance or a stiff, unnatural look.

Eyebrow Droop

Overdosing Botox in the forehead can cause drooping of the eyebrows. When the muscles in the forehead are too relaxed, it can cause the eyebrows to droop, resulting in a tired or unhappy appearance.


Overdosing on Botox in the forehead can also lead to asymmetry, where one side of the forehead looks different from the other. This can be caused by uneven distribution of the Botox injection or by the injection of too much Botox in one area.

Muscle Weakness

One of the main effects of Botox is to weaken the muscles in the treatment area. While this is generally a desired effect, overdosing on Botox can lead to excessive muscle weakness, which can cause problems with facial expression and lead to an unnatural appearance.


If Botox is injected in excessive amounts or in the wrong areas, it can migrate to other areas of the face and cause unintended effects.

It’s important to understand the possible side effects of the aesthetic treatments you choose to get. Choosing to go to a trusted provider like Nurse Gemavie will ensure that you receive the appropriate dosage for your facial type to help you meet your specific needs and goals.